Saturday, April 25

Bikes are Beautiful!

Go get a bike & save the world.

Friday, April 3

Ok so since I feel kind of bad about indulging in some serious fashion fun all afternoon.. I am going to do my part as a good Samaritan and get everybody that is actually reading my blog to get off my web site and go to end world poverty, woop woop!

Ooh la la.. these particular petals are definitely number one on my wish list right now- and I can't even feel bad about wanting these eco friendly kids! I just have to figure out how to do this ordering online thing... hmmm.. But realistically- why is it that the most amazing things often have to be the MOST expensive!? I have to admit that $55 bucks is a little bit extreme for these-- even though they are my true love.
Apparently the topic of today is shoes, because I have just spent the better part of an hour cruising the internet in search of foot attire. I know, I know they are a really materialistic fashion item that I really and truly don't need any more of- but- i just love them so much! Keds, Converse, Simple, Vans... It's a definite don't need thing- just really want thing!
Is that so bad? Hmm.. I just got an idea.. I am going to look for a pair of white, blank shoes and sew and splatter attack them into my own master piece! How fun will that be!

Wednesday, April 1

The 50's song, "Teen Angel" is really sad...