Tuesday, December 28

emily & claire. bffz.

Sunday, April 25

for my mom

her grey hair shows
only when the when the wind blows
a silver undercoat
shivering against her red overcoat
she doesn't mind growing bolder
she'll always be younger than the wind.

Saturday, February 13

`i have a lot of beatles songs.♥

life of pi

I know zoos are no longer in people’s good graces. Religion faces the same problem. Certain illusions about freedom plague them both.” -Pi Patel

Pi is a University of Toronto graduate who studied zoology and religion. His intense passion for the two seemingly extremely diverse subjects allowed him to connect the two subjects metaphorically. Although I am not religious, this quote made me think deeper about the reasons why so many people are. Pi has constantly heard the argument that animals are not happy in a zoo, because it is not their natural habitat. He attacks this justification by explaining that the animals are born in captive are perfectly happy because they have never known anything else. That is, they haven’t known anything else than having food provided for them regularly, a clean territory that is a haven from predators, and many other luxuries. So why would they desire to enter the wild and face the hardships of real life? The same can be said for someone of religious beliefs. They may be living in a false world, but it is a safe, and happy shelter. They could easily step outside the cage, and face the facts if they wanted to, but these people would rather live by the mantra, “Ignorance is Bliss.” Why shouldn’t they, if they are so happy in doing so.

sufjan stevens is the best.

Thursday, February 11

10 by 10.

"how do I make a difference?"


A better world in 2010 starts with action. Kick-start your 10 by 10 challenge by committing to ten actions that you promise to practice. Then, watch the impact of your action grow. Tens of thousands will feel the effects as we realize our goal. And, what started with you, will end up with we.


`the things i want to do while i am in NYC.

march 7.
always sounded so far away.
and now it is less than a month till i depart!

i want to remember to do this things while i am in New York;
(this list will grow with time)

- Buy Poloroid Film
- See Fran Smiley
- See Emily Irvine

Saturday, January 16

its a quarter to midnight

"the old cold tea spilling on cement
reminds me of a grey cloud on a windy day
my memories blow outside the closed window
to take a closer look
my mind stays in
seatbelt fastened
just in case
something were to ever happen."

hello, hello, hello is there anybody out there out there?

hi emily. i love to talk to you on the telephone.
you're my best friend.
lets start writing letters again.
xo, your friend claire

Monday, January 4

since nobody reads my blog ( don't worry, i KNOW nobody reads my blog, i have a site tracker that would tell me if such an absurd thing were ever to happen )
I have decided to go blog-happy so to say.
I'm going to start blogging my life away... maybe.

what better day to start, than this cold dreary one. Some would call it a grey, sad, rainy day.
But it is so not like that. The bush outside my window looks so intricate and interesting silhouetted against pure white sky, the slush on the ground makes such a satisfying sound, the cool crisp january air is just cool enough to turn my cheeks red but not enough to make my nose cold. People around here don't notice that anymore.

everyone knows that one of the most common "small talk" ( or "i dont have anything better to say" ) conversations is the weather. Has nobody else noticed this pattern but me? Its always complaining about the weather! What is the deal with that?

before my weather rant gets weird, i'm going to change the subject.

Today was my first day back to school.

I dont know what else to say about it...

It was that eventful. Infact, I dont even remember what happened.

This post is so boring and poorly written- but guess what- it doesnt matter, do you know why?

i think i kind of like it this way. lets keep it like this.

Wednesday, September 2

today my best friends
Emily Irvine
&&& Laura Stacer
are coming over! I'm SO excited. It is going to be so utterly enjoyable.

Plus today I did a bunch of shopping so I am going to put pictures of that up later.. probably.. maybe...

Another very exciting event happening today was... Max leaving!
Good bye big brother. Hello being an only child? Weirddd....

Tuesday, September 1

Meeting Dr. John

That's right.
Have you heard of this guy?
This Jazz King?
This Night Tripper?

Welll.. I have to tell you something;
I met him! Infact, I gave him a feather.
Here's the story.

Soo.. my brother Max & I were jamming out at a local music festival, "Roots & Blues"
We had gone with friends, but at the moment it was just him and I.
We were dancing and enjoying the great music.
Now I must tell you, Max was wearing this full headdress.
It had about hmm, 40? feathers in it!
And it was fastened to his head with a Che Guevera head band.
Plus, an added effect was Max's afro of red curly locks.

So, up comes this girl from behind us and she says, "Hey, those feathers are great!"
"I bet Dr.John would like them"
and stuff like that and we are nodding along and agreeing and then she says, "Would you like me to give one to him? Would that be okay if I did?"
And we were kind of confused until she showed us her ID and backstage pass and told us that she was Dr.John's personal assistant and she could get a feather to him for us.
So we thought that was pretty cool!
It turns out that just minutes before that we had noticed a feather in Dr.John's hat and had been musing 'oh wouldn't that be cool if that was our feather!!?'
And then, up comes Rebecca, his personal assitant, offering just that!

But it gets even better! Max said, "Well, do you think we could give it to him?" and she went back and forth on the idea, 'oh i don't know if that will work' and then finally 'oh well maybe' and she was texting people backstage the whole time. But then she told me that I couldn't come. And I told her that I was max's little sister. And then I bravely said, "So do you think that would be okay if I did come?" and she said, "Oh okay!"

So we headed BACKSTAGE!
And Max & I were just thinking oh this is soo cool.
And Rebecca was really nice, and then she asked us what our names were and we told her and she said oh how sweet, dr.john's son is named Max! So that was pretty cool too. We were now backstage and Max bent down let me take some feathers out of his 'hat' and then Rebecca also told us that we were the cutest brother and sister she had ever seen! hahaha. That was a good one.

So out comes Mr. Dr. John in his purple suit, which really looks quite bluey in person, and I gave him a feather, and told him it was from Aftrica and Max gave him a feather, and told it was from right around these parts, and Dr.John said Ooh Thank you very much and hopped into his car and zoomed away! And that was that...

Do you ever feel like...

Do you ever feel like it's all a dream?
Do you ever feel like you are the dreamer?
Well, heres the secret... your right!
Everyone around you is not real. Only YOU are real.
I mean, only I am real actually. haha. (:

So.. Life's too mysterious, don't take it serious.

That's all I'm going to say!

Some thoughts on Life

Advice; and other ponderings

1. I like making lists, you can make them too. I like making them about lots of things because it is such an easy way to write. You can make lists of thoughts that pop into your head right at that moment. That's what I'm doing right now...
2. Not everybody is always going to be happy. You have to learn to upset people once in a while; because that's part of life.
3. There hasn't always been past, and there won't always be future, but there is never a shortage of present! Live in the moment.
4. Do something WILD! Do something creative! Get mad at somebody that you have been reserved & polite to for far too long.
5. Brush your teeth & Brush up on your spelling
6. I want to marry a gentleman ...
7. Don't worry if everybody hates you, if you look funny, if you talk weird, or if you aren't the same as everybody else. Some day; somebody is going to appreciate you exactly as you come and it will all be worth it.
8. Whatever you believe is the TRUTH! Believe in religion or be an atheist or believe in them all. Trust makes Truth. Just believe it. It doesn't matter if people disagree.
9. I'm happy not knowing.
10. I like to know what happens in movies before I watch them though
11. Send a letter to somebody who moved away
12. Write a book about yourself; you can make things up
13. Make up a word and use it seriously... if somebody catches on, act like they are foolish for not knowing the new lingo
14. i love you; have a great day!

Tuesday, August 25

Shout out to all the Red Heads with freckles and pasty skin...

have you noticed that red heads never like pink or orange?
prove me wrong or right.
but i think its because those colours look so bad on us.
Just an interesting little ponder..
(that i must give credit to emily for)

Monday, July 20

For Modern Day Hippie Wannabees'

a few of my favourite websites...

Looking for some.. 'simple' eco-shoes?

Got beef with vegetarians?

Natural Fashion

Imagine Peace with Yoko

Save the World with Myspace

Green Gift Guide

Good-For-Nothing Fashion

Making sustainability mainstream

Eat Local! It tastes better & overall IS better!

"Save the Planet, Get the Perks"

Some of the Best Juice

Indulge in FATNESS

Tuesday, July 14

5 'New' Musicians that I can tolerate.

I usually don't like new music (I'm a stickler for classics with interests such as Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, The Doors, etc.), but I am happy to have come across some tunes that strike my fancy! And yes, I am VERY picky...

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson is pretty much the best thing ever.
I love his music because it is simple, politcal, solid & calm. It is certainly a step up from the sappy and meaningless songs that are constantly played on today's pop radio stations.

Michael Franti
Micahel Franti has always been a favourite of mine. However.. with his latest album, "All Rebel Rockers" I have to say I was a little disappointed. I would expect more, since he impressed me so much with, "Everyone Deserves Music" .

Across the Universe Soundtrack
I don't know if this qualifies because it is all old songs, but, I will say that I was happy with the way that they were re-recorded!

Lenka is simple & sweet. Fluffy but fun. It may not be that deep- but it is certainly enjoyable in my opinion!

Andrew Bird
Andrew Bird is Amazing! He is great because he is so different.. and.. original. I like it.

More to come as I try to discover more up to snuff artists of today!

Wednesday, June 24

YOU say it's your BIRTHDAY!


So much hype about them!
I think every other day is just as special!

(But today IS my day)

Sunday, June 14

maybe poetry

old cold tea tastes like a grey cloud on a windy day.