since nobody reads my blog ( don't worry, i KNOW nobody reads my blog, i have a site tracker that would tell me if such an absurd thing were ever to happen )
I have decided to go blog-happy so to say.
I'm going to start blogging my life away... maybe.
what better day to start, than this cold dreary one. Some would call it a grey, sad, rainy day.
But it is so not like that. The bush outside my window looks so intricate and interesting silhouetted against pure white sky, the slush on the ground makes such a satisfying sound, the cool crisp january air is just cool enough to turn my cheeks red but not enough to make my nose cold. People around here don't notice that anymore.
everyone knows that one of the most common "small talk" ( or "i dont have anything better to say" ) conversations is the weather. Has nobody else noticed this pattern but me? Its always complaining about the weather! What is the deal with that?
before my weather rant gets weird, i'm going to change the subject.
Today was my first day back to school.
I dont know what else to say about it...
It was that eventful. Infact, I dont even remember what happened.
This post is so boring and poorly written- but guess what- it doesnt matter, do you know why?
i think i kind of like it this way. lets keep it like this.
who says nobody reads your blog??
Oh Hey there Anonymous. :)