Tuesday, September 1

Some thoughts on Life

Advice; and other ponderings

1. I like making lists, you can make them too. I like making them about lots of things because it is such an easy way to write. You can make lists of thoughts that pop into your head right at that moment. That's what I'm doing right now...
2. Not everybody is always going to be happy. You have to learn to upset people once in a while; because that's part of life.
3. There hasn't always been past, and there won't always be future, but there is never a shortage of present! Live in the moment.
4. Do something WILD! Do something creative! Get mad at somebody that you have been reserved & polite to for far too long.
5. Brush your teeth & Brush up on your spelling
6. I want to marry a gentleman ...
7. Don't worry if everybody hates you, if you look funny, if you talk weird, or if you aren't the same as everybody else. Some day; somebody is going to appreciate you exactly as you come and it will all be worth it.
8. Whatever you believe is the TRUTH! Believe in religion or be an atheist or believe in them all. Trust makes Truth. Just believe it. It doesn't matter if people disagree.
9. I'm happy not knowing.
10. I like to know what happens in movies before I watch them though
11. Send a letter to somebody who moved away
12. Write a book about yourself; you can make things up
13. Make up a word and use it seriously... if somebody catches on, act like they are foolish for not knowing the new lingo
14. i love you; have a great day!

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